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Course: MWEE 101
2,000 certificates and counting! Welcome to the online course for the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE). We're glad to have you here! This course is first in a series. At the completi...
Chesapeake Exploration: All courses
MWEE 101 is the first course in an online series. MWEE 101 introduces the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience framework while following along with example MWEEs for each grade band - elementar...
Chesapeake Exploration: Course categories
NOAA Environmental Science Training Center The center offers online and in-person workshops for educators that include the knowledge and tools needed to teach today's students, who will be tomorrow's ...
Course: MWEE 201
MWEE 201 Welcome to the online course series for the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE). We're glad to have you here! This course is the second in a series. If you haven't already tak...
- Chesapeake Exploration: All courses
Course: Facilitator's Guide to MWEE Training
The facilitator's guide was designed for practitioners who are deeply familiar with the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) and who will be training other educators on how to apply the ...