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Hajj 2023 | CBHUK | Council of British Hajjis
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Meet the Team | CBHUK | Council of British Hajjis
CALL US NOW 0845 833 4145 Donate Now Meet the Team MEET THE TEAM CBHUK relies on the goodwill of its volunteers without whom we really couldn’t deliver the commun...
Hajj Guides | CBHUK | Council of British Hajjis
Hajj Guides is powered by the multi award winning CBHUK and is a renowned and trusted provider of comprehensive Hajj guidance and support services. With a commitment to excellence, we strive to ensure...
About CBHUK | CBHUK | Council of British Hajjis
CALL US NOW 0845 833 4145 Donate Now About CBHUK ABOUT US CBHUK (The Council of British Hajjis) was founded in 2006 after concerns were raised over the welfare of...
CBHUK History | CBHUK | Council of British Hajjis
Constructive meetings held with the National Hajj Task Force Partnership working with the City of London Police in tackling Hajj Fraud June Representation of British pilgrims at a meeting at the Briti...
Preparing for Hajj & Umrah | CBHUK | Council of British Hajjis
Preparing tourist companies. Ratifying the service contract concluded with the Tawafa Establishment. Ratifying the housing contract in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, with the Ministry making sure that the foll...