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Popular pages
Prevent. Promote. Protect.
Prevent. Promote. Protect. 529 E. Home Road, Springfield, 45503 Open Button Clark County Combined Health District Welcome to the Clark County Combined Health District homepage. The Mission of the Clar...
Environmental Health – Prevent. Promote. Protect.
Environmental Health The Environmental Health Division staff educates in regard to healthy environmental practices and enforces state and local laws and regulations to safeguard the health of Clark Co...
Immunizations – Prevent. Promote. Protect.
*Underinsured means that your child has health insurance, but it: • Doesn’t cover vaccines, or • Doesn’t cover certain vaccines, or • Covers vaccines but has a fixed dollar amount or cap f...
Health Data & Reports – Prevent. Promote. Protect.
Health Data & Reports The CCCHD Epidemiology/Communicable Disease department provides the following services for Clark County, Ohio: Collect and analyze health-related data and information pertaining ...
For Healthcare Providers – Prevent. Promote. Protect.
Reporting a Communicable/Infectious Disease Please click the button below to report any of the reportable communicable/infectious diseases to CCCHD. Any additional lab work or paperwork can be faxed t...
COVID-19 Information – Prevent. Promote. Protect.
COVID-19 Information Important COVID Vaccine Update Clark County Health Department anticipates receiving new COVID vaccine in the coming weeks. We will make notification on this site and vi...