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Apply Now - Calvary Chapel Golden Springs Bible College | Calvary Chapel Golden Springs Bible
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Programs of Study - Calvary Chapel Golden Springs Bible College | Calvary Chapel Golden Springs
CCGS Bible College offers two main degrees – Associate of Theology and Bachelor of Biblical Studies; and awards one certificate – Certificate of Completion. We also have Audit classes. Associate of Th...
Academic Information - Calvary Chapel Golden Springs Bible College | Calvary Chapel Golden Springs
CCGS Bible College offers two main degrees – Associate of Theology and Bachelor of Biblical Studies; and awards one certificate – Certificate of Completion. It also has an Audit Program. Associate of ...
Distance Learning - Calvary Chapel Golden Springs Bible College | Calvary Chapel Golden Springs
The classes at CCGS Bible College are life changing. Much of this has to do with the unexplainable dynamic that happens when students and teachers are in the same room and the Holy Spirit does what on...
Degree Requirements - Calvary Chapel Golden Springs Bible College | Calvary Chapel Golden Springs
It is the student’s responsibility to track their graduation progress and enroll in classes needed for their degree. Students are encouraged to check with the CCGS Bible College Office to be sure they...
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