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Resources © 2018 Child Development Institute. All rights reserved. QuestionPro’s survey software plays a major role in helping CDI collect valuable feedback to better inform our programs and services.
About Child Development Institute
CDI, a leading expert in early child development for over 23 years, helps children reach their full potential by focusing on strengthening families and communities in the San Fernando Valley.
Potty Training
Potty training abilities are contingent on a child’s emotional and physical readiness. Parents usually become interested in transitioning their children out of diapers when they are around 2 years old...
Developmental Support Services at CDI
At CDI, we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to learn, grow and reach their full potential. We are here to support you and your family.
5 Techniques to Reduce Biting in Children - CDI Kids
Some children bite themselves or others when frustrated. I’ve seen a lot of this in children on the autism spectrum, but it can happen with any child–including those with sensory issues. Stopping this...
Child Development Institute's Blog
Find tips, success stories, and techniques that CDI supports for helping your child reach their full potential.