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Training - Coma & Disorders of Consciousness Research Centre
All our training is now available as a series of online courses to be done at a time that suits organisations/trainees – see: Experts from the Coma and Disorders of Consciousne...
Articles/Chapters - Coma & Disorders of Consciousness Research Centre
vegetative minimally conscious coma
Summaries and commentary - Coma & Disorders of Consciousness Research Centre
Click on title to download free, full text copies 1. Executive Summaries ‘Serious medical treatment and the law concerning patients in a permanent vegetative state’ (executive summary – pointing out i...
People - Coma & Disorders of Consciousness Research Centre
Research Centre members Prof Jenny Kitzinger (School of Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies, Cardiff), Prof Celia Kitzinger (Law, Cardiff); Prof Keir Waddington (History, Cardiff), Dr Andrew Edgar (P...
Resources for families and practitioners - Coma & Disorders of Consciousness Research Centre
On-line resources about family experience Visit our on-line ‘healthtalk‘ resource for families and practitioners – with 250 film clips from filmed interviews alongside concise information about key i...
Our Impact - Coma & Disorders of Consciousness Research Centre
Overview of our impact Our work has won awards for ‘Impact on Policy’ and for ‘Impact on Society’ (from the ESRC). You can see youtube films about the impact of our research here We colla...