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Programs | Center for Educational Innovation
The Center for Educational Innovation programs that assist faculty, instructors, and teaching assistants build community among their peers and explore a wide range of teaching topics.
About CEI | Center for Educational Innovation
As a systemwide center whose staff has deep pedagogical and curricular expertise, we engage in a variety of ways with academic leaders and all who teach to achieve educational goals that improve stude...
Teaching Resources | Center for Educational Innovation
Leveraging Learning Sciences Research for Teaching This resource synthesizes common themes from the pedagogical literature about student learning that have a solid foundation of research behind them. ...
Aims | Center for Educational Innovation
Aiming for course learning When talking with peers about courses we teach, most instructors can identify our teaching goals—what we hope students will learn, what we plan to cover, and what we believe...
Writing Your Teaching Philosophy | Center for Educational Innovation
Your teaching philosophy is a self-reflective statement of your beliefs about teaching and learning. It's a one to two page narrative that conveys your core ideas about being an effective teacher in t...
Active Learning Research and Resources | Center for Educational Innovation
Resources Videos of Active Learning in Action Inside the Classroom (Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative, University of British Columbia) Engaging Students in the Classroom and Beyond (University ...