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About - CEOBS
How we work to reduce the harm to people and ecosystems from armed conflicts and military activities.
Publications - CEOBS
In depth studies and briefings on the environmental dimensions of conflicts and military activities.
Ukraine conflict environmental briefing: Nuclear and radiation risks - CEOBS
This briefing explores how the armed conflict in Ukraine has impacted its nuclear facilities, threatening people and the environment.
Military emissions - CEOBS
CEOBS' work on around how militarism, conflicts and peace influence greenhouse gas emissions. With growing military engagement on the issue, it is vital that we scrutinise the pledges and claims being...
Ukraine - CEOBS
Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region is one of the most heavily industrialised areas on Earth. With a 200 year history of coal mining and heavy industry, the conflict there has already led to widespread gr...
Projects - CEOBS
Our portfolio of major projects and research themes.