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HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
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- Accepted papers | CERI 2014
Paper Submission | CERI 2014
Paper Submission All accepted works will be published in the conference proceedings book with ISBN, in electronic format, as well as in the website of the conference. Organizers will also...
Registration | CERI 2014
€ 200.00 (*) As registration date, it will be considered the date of completion of all steps, including the transfer order, but regardless the time this will take to become effective. (**) Students...
Conference Programme | CERI 2014
INVITED TALK 09:30.10:30 SESSION 1 (morning) 10:30-12:00 Perfiles de Usuario Simulados basados en Materias y Términos para la Personalización Eduardo Vicente López, Luis M. de Campos, Juan M. Fernán...
Important Dates | CERI 2014
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Committees | CERI 2014
Organizing Committee Chair Publicity Chairs Jesús Vilares, Universidad de A Coruña Program Committee Omar Alonso, Microsoft Bing Alvaro Barreiro, University of A Coruña Alejandro Bellogín, Universidad...