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CFCJ-FCJC | CFCJ Reports, Fact Sheets and Other Publications - CFCJ-FCJC
Edited by: Trevor C.W. Farrow and Lesley A. Jacobs Publication Date and Publisher: September 1, 2020, UBC Press Contributors: Carolyn Carter, Thomas A. Cromwell, Ab Currie, Matthew Dylag, Trevor C.W. ...
Justice Research Network About Us The Canadian Forum on Civil Justice (CFCJ) is a national non-profit organization that has been dedicated to advancing civil justice reform through research and advoca...
CFCJ-FCJC | Community-Based Justice Research (CBJR) - CFCJ-FCJC
Justice Research Network Community-Based Justice Research (CBJR) The Community-Based Justice Research Project (2018-2022) aims to compare the costs, benefits, challenges and opportunities for providin...
CFCJ-FCJC | Publications - CFCJ-FCJC
Description The communities served by lawyers, the practice contexts in which they work, and the issues that they face are increasingly diverse, complex, transnational and global in character. All of...
CFCJ-FCJC | Cost of Justice - CFCJ-FCJC
Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan Legal Education Society of Alberta Ministry of the Attorney General of British Columbia Nova Scotia Department of Justice Public Legal Education Association of Ca...
CFCJ-FCJC | Publications - CFCJ-FCJC
Ab Currie (26 May 2022). Community-Based Justice. Slaw. Felix Marco Conteh, Yakama Manty Jones, Sonkita Conteh, Henry Mbawa and Aisha Fofana Ibrahi (January 2022). The Costs and Benefits of Community-...