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Chandra Knudsen – My Life. My Style. My Music.
My Life. My Style. My Music.
About Chandra – Chandra Knudsen
Who am I? The name's Chandra (pronounced like "Jackie Chan") Knudsen, however, some people call me "Batman," or "Batgirl" due to my deep love for all things Batman. I'm an aspiring singer/songwriter s...
fashion – Chandra Knudsen
Posts about fashion written by chandralarae11
Bio – Chandra Knudsen
Who am I? The name's Chandra Knudsen, however, some people call me "Batman," or "Batgirl" due to my deep love for all things Batman. I'm an aspiring singer/songwriter from Iowa specializing in Country...
The Voice – Chandra Knudsen
Many of you may have, or may not have, seen my face on NBC last night. Back in January, I began taking part in the casting for “The Voice,” and was lucky enough to somehow make the top 103 artists cho...
Signs – Chandra Knudsen
When we're lost, we rely on a map to get us back on track so we can reach our destination. There's road signs everywhere telling us what to do and where to go. Take a wrong turn? No worries, Siri will...