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Who is Chet Williamson? | Chet Williamson
Who is Chet Williamson? I was born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad. No, wait — that was Scaramouche, though the same may said of me. I sold my first story in 1981. Since th...
Stories | Chet Williamson
Here’s the beginning of a story of mine which appeared in Barbara & Christopher Roden’s anthology, At Ease With the Dead. I hope it intrigues you enough to avail yourself of the book and the many won...
You Wrote What? | Chet Williamson
Welcome to my book page… …Here you’ll find the various books I’ve written over the years, with my comments and anecdotes about them. The majority, even those no longer in print in a paper edition, are...
Listen Up! (Audiobooks) | Chet Williamson
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Websites are forever… | Chet Williamson
Chet Williamson has written horror, science fiction, and suspense since 1981. Among his novels are Second Chance, Hunters, Defenders of the Faith, Ash Wednesday, Reign, Dreamthorp, and the forthcomin...
MURDER OLD AND NEW by Laurie and me… | Chet Williamson
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