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Fullscreen Home - Chic Reaction
por Liliana Ferreira Sevilha em 3 dias Espanha 14 Maio, 2022 10 de Abril, 2023 decor Um update na decoração com Gallerix *Post escrito em parceria com a Gallerix Posters ou quadros são sempre a melhor...
Cheira a Verão ! - Chic Reaction
Blog by Liliana Ferreira. Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle.
Algumas Novidades - Chic Reaction
Algumas Novidades Algumas Novidades Já vos tinha falado por aqui a chegada da Youth Lab a Portugal. Desde aí foram chegando algumas novidades e as mais recentes são relacionadas com os cuidados de co...
Pop Pearls - Chic Reaction
Outfit with a white blazer
New in - Chic Reaction
New in New in Hi. I'm back with some purchases of the week. The bag and the sunnies was on sales on Primark. I'm looking for a fringe bag and a neon nail polish for some long ago so when I saw these ...
New in - Chic Reaction
New in New in //Acne and By Malene Birger shirts Hi. I'm still a little busy but I can't resist to show some of my new purchases. I was looking for some simple pieces for my closet and when I found th...