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Chukuni -
and a long beach for walking. Call us at 807-727-3055 or 807-728-1092 Check us out on Facebook Or email us at Email
Chukuni - Welcome to Red Lake, Northwestern Ontario, Chukuni
has been known as one of the richest mining regions in Canada The Municipality, with a population of about 4,100 people, is vibrant and bustling. Red Lake is made up of five distinct communities, each...
Chukuni - Museums, Red Lake, Chukuni
The Red Lake Regional Heritage Centre is open year-round and houses a historical museum with multi-media exhibits and displays on Aboriginal history, gold mining, the fur trade, immigration, and muc...
Chukuni - Living
Living in Red Lake The Municipality of Red Lake is made up of five distinct communities - Red Lake, Madsen/Starratt-Olsen, Balmertown, Cochenour, and McKenzie Island - each with its own unique charm....
Chukuni -
Community Development Committee - Strategic Plan The Community Development Committee aims to improve the community's quality of life and to play a role in consciously planning the evolution of communi...
Chukuni - About Us
About Us Purpose The Chukuni Communities Development Corporation is funded by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario for the purpose of creating and maintaining employment throug...