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Home – Church in Action
"Germany is the only western industrialized nation in the top 10 refugee host countries across the world." With more than 1 Million refugees and asylum seekers within her borders, only four other coun...
About Kirche in Aktion Germany – Church in Action
VISION The vision for the church at Kirche in Aktion is to align ourselves as closely as possible to Jesus, his methods, his mindset, and his passion so that we can participate in bringing heaving int...
Communities on Mission | Purpose, Mission, Community – Church in Action
Communities on Mission Launch Classes Communities on Mission are a core part of our strategy, as they blend relationship, spiritual growth, and service into one activity. We’re bringing this central p...
Leadership Team – Church in Action
Cris Zimmermann Cris Zimmermann is the founder of Kirche in Aktion. He is an entrepreneur, investor, pastor and lawyer and holds a B.A and M.A in Law from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfur...
About Church in Action (Kirche in Aktion) Germany – Church in Action
SHARE INSPIRE GROW SERVE FROM THE BEGINNING… From the very beginning, the vision of Church in Action Germany has been to see Heaven break into our lives, our city, and our world. In 2008, Philip start...
Church in Action Germany – Church in Action
our lives, our city, and our world CHURCH IN ACTION USA EXISTS TO SUPPORT KIRCHE IN AKTION, LOCATED IN THE RHINE-MAIN REGION OF GERMANY From the very beginning, the vision of Church in Action Germany...