Ciao Milano is a world wide company producing a collection of the finest quality and most fashionable outerwear you will find in any store or website available. We guarantee not only will you feel ex...
Designers choice. New fabric developed by Ciao Milano. Soft as butter, breathable, durable, flowing fabric. 100% waterproof but extremely rich-looking. Looks like a million dollars. Same specs and har...
style SERENA - new fabric developed by Ciao Milano. Soft durable flowing fabric that is not only 100% water proof but extremely rich looking. Looks like a million dollars. Same style, hardware, and...
The famous Coco - award winning. 100% Duck Down filling. 100% water proof fabric. Extremely light weight. Less than 2 1/2 lbs. It would be hard - dare we say impossible to find a puffer coat as styli...
Inspired by our famous Lia jacket with stones, the vest is another one of kind. Going to a high-end restaurant or or fancy event and the weather is cold enough to demand an outerwear item. But you sti...
New fabric developed by Ciao Milano. Soft durable flowing fabric that is not only 100% water proof but extremely rich looking. Looks like a million dollars. Same style, hardware, specs and fit with z...