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Genre: Historical Fiction - Cierrah Donnelly's Under a War-Torn Sky project
Historical fiction is a type of genre that centers around historical times or dates, but uses a fictional story to bring the reader into that time. The places in the story can be either real or...
Characters - Cierrah Donnelly's Under a War-Torn Sky project
Henry is only nine-teen years old when he joins the U.S Airforce during WWII. He is smart and knows what he is doing when it comes to flying a B-24 airplane.
All Categories - Cierrah Donnelly's Under a War-Torn Sky project
I want to see how much you know about WWII. Share anything you like, but make sure it is appropriate and on topic. Some examples are: Hitler, how many people died, when WWII started, or the cause of.....
Plot Summary - Cierrah Donnelly's Under a War-Torn Sky project
Nine-teen year old Henry Forester and his bomb group set off on a flight to bomb southern Germany. Unexpectedly, a Luftwaffe squadron of Fw 190 German planes attacked them. Only a few of...
Conflicts/Climax - Cierrah Donnelly's Under a War-Torn Sky project
Nine-teen year old Henry Forester is shot out of the sky during a dog fight with German planes. Once he lands, he must seak the help of French Resistance members in order for him to get back home....
Setting - Cierrah Donnelly's Under a War-Torn Sky project
The first part of Under A War-Torn Sky takes place in France. Henry lands here when his planes crashes and he encounters the first French Resistance member here, Madame Gaulloise. This is mainly the.....