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Shop | Cigar Box Guitar Shop & Resources (Australia))
Join the Cigar Box Guitar Revolution and return to the primal roots of guitar music with a handcrafted Nigel McTrustry Cigar Box Guitar. Each McTrustry Cigar Box Guitar is built to create not only a p...
About | Cigar Box Guitar Shop & Resources (Australia))
A new way to tell your Australian Story with a sound that is raw, honest and right there in your face! The cigar box guitar by Nigel McTrustry.
Now stocking J Lee cigar box guitars | Cigar Box Guitar Shop & Resources (Australia))
Published May 15, 2020 It’s been a while since I last posted, but I’ve been busy in the workshop and on the road playing music. We’re really excited to be expanding and are happy to now be stocking J ...
Want to learn to play the cigar box guitar? | Cigar Box Guitar Shop & Resources (Australia))
Recent builds I’ve also spent the last couple of months making special orders coming all the way from France, the US, Brazil and Belgium. Thanks to all of you who have found your way to my little corn...
Cigar box guitar music | Cigar Box Guitar Shop & Resources (Australia))
500 cigar box guitars I’ve been busy in the workshop and am really happy to say that I’ve passed the 500 mark. Yes, 500 of my cigar box guitars are out in the world and my hope is that they’re all bei...
Cigar box guitar sale now on | Cigar Box Guitar Shop & Resources (Australia))
Published March 16, 2015 I’m having a sale on my current stock of cigar box guitars. 15 per cent off all my CBGs while stocks last. The sale is on for this week only so have a look around. If you’ve ...