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Favorite cinematography scenes/shots « Cinematography :: WonderHowTo
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Cinematography Forum « Cinematography :: WonderHowTo
Wonder How To is your guide to free how to videos on the Web. Search, Browse and Discover the best how to videos across the web using the largest how to video index on the web. Watch the best online v...
Complete TV Series Shooting With Canon 7D « Cinematography :: WonderHowTo
A complete TV series shooting with Canon 7D in my country (YEMEN) , I played a role of a cinematographer using canon 7d , and shooting for more than 60 hours on only one 7d camera , shooting for 28 da...
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Cinematography Features — Page 2 of 6 « Cinematography :: WonderHowTo
I watched Michael Mann's "Public Enemies" (DP: Dante Spinotti) last night for the first time and was struck by a very unconventional, yet effective (I think), cut. In the opening sequence (video below...