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Portland, TN | Official Website
/QuickLinks.aspx The City of Portland does not discriminate based on race, color, handicap, age, or national origin pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Government Websites by Civ...
Government | Portland, TN
Gather information about government services, offices, boards, commissions, and elected officials.
Departments | Portland, TN
Get information regarding the departments dedicated to keeping the community moving.
City Council | Portland, TN
The City of Portland was formed as a Private Act Charter Municipality. The City Charter provides for the specific powers, duties and responsibilities of the Mayor and Board of seven Aldermen (also ref...
Mayor’s Office | Portland, TN
Gather information about the Mayor of the City of Portland, TN.
Portland History | Portland, TN
The area now known as Portland was settled by the Thomas Buntin family in the early 1800s, when it was found to be fertile farmland.