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Claire Breen
Claire Breen Currently, I am an educator and freelance journalist living in the San Francisco Bay Area. Most recently, I worked as a contract multiplatform editor with ...
About — Claire Breen
producer | reporter | writer I am a graduating senior at the University of California Santa Barbara majoring in both Global Studies and Feminist Studies. I am currently immersed in writing my senior ...
Sounds — Claire Breen
I produced the following full-length episode with editorial support. Live Episode! Starbucks: Howard Schultz
Words — Claire Breen
Writing For the first time, the WNBA will be featured in NBA 2K. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the new game. (Katharine Lotze/Getty; iStock; Lily illustration) Today, learn the name of at least o...
Contact — Claire Breen
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- Claire Breen