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Clara Guldberg Ravn – recorder player
Together with Inger Uberg, Emma Fagerström, and Yngvild Ruud a new children’s concert is taking form! We just received our first funding from Nordisk Kulturfond and this concert about losing something...
ABOUT | Claraguldbergravn
ABOUT The Danish recorder player, Clara Guldberg Ravn (born 1992), studied with professor Dan Laurin at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. She completed her bachelor’s degree in 2015 and her mas...
PROJECTS | Claraguldbergravn
PROJECTS THE MARTINUS RÆHS PROJECT // Along with Anna Paradiso, harpsichord and piano, Mats Olofsson, cello, and Jonas Nordberg, theorbo and baroque guitar, Clara Guldberg Ravn recorded her debut albu...
CALENDAR | Claraguldbergravn
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Clara Guldberg Ravn