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Polymer clay pen blank starter guide. -
Polymer Clay Pen Blank Starter Guide Handout: AAW Symposium 2016 Atlanta, GA. Connecting Polymer Clay to the Pen World Instructor: Toni Street. What is Polymer Clay: Polymer Clay is a manufactured mo...
About Toni -
Toni Street is an Award Winning Polymer Clay Artist and an acknowledged pen maker, who was accepted into the Pen Makers Guild. Her Polymer Clay art has been seen all over the world through numerous pu...
Front Page -
The highest quality Professional Polymer Clay Millefiori Pen Blanks in existence. Every Pen Blank is a one-of-a-kind work of art. Hand crafted by artist Toni Street. The millefiori pen blank is c...
Pen Blank Assembly Notes. -
Assembly info There are 10 alignment points for a fountain pen and a few less (5 total) for a rollerball. 1) Nib to blank pattern, There is a top and a bottom, mostly related to pattern. This matches...
Finishing with CA 101 -
Cyanoacrylate ‘CA’ Treatment Polymer clay itself does not really need a coating, however due to the construction of the pen blanks (pen tubes), and the harsh and often abusive environment that pens ar...
Gallery -
Gallery Toni’s custom hand made polymer clay pen blanks Toni’s custom hand made polymer clay pen blanks Toni’s custom hand made polymer clay pen blanks Toni’s custom hand made polymer clay pen blanks ...