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About - Clear Pronunciation
Carrie Terry helps people from a wide variety of professional backgrounds and countries, develop better speaking and presentation skills.
Pronunciation Coaching - Clear Pronunciation
Pronunciation Coaching - I work with native and non-native English speakers using to ensure that they sound the way they want to.
Online Speaking Coaching - Clear Pronunciation
online speaking COACHING Speaking Online The online meeting looks like it’s here to stay, whether you are using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype or another platform. So, how can we best adapt our public s...
Blog - Clear Pronunciation
Blog Do you like a bit of tautology? Most of us do, either consciously or not, or so it seems by the amount of repetition or redundant words that we use in the course of our daily lives. How many ti...
Does grammar matter? - Clear Pronunciation
As a pronunciation coach, I’m often approached by native speakers who are convinced that they need to ‘lose’ their regional accent because it’s holding them back either socially or vocationally. This ...
Semantic loss or how ‘shit’ turned into ‘stuff’ - Clear Pronunciation
Semantic loss means words lose their meaning, become grammatical markers for future intent, or intensifiers, and are phonologically reduced.