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Skullcap - Herbal Encyclopedia
Botanical and Common Names Family Labiatae Scutellaria lateriflora (Skullcap/Scullcap, Virginia Skullcap, Blue Pimpernel, Helmet Flower, Hoodwort, Mad-dog Weed, Madweed, Madderweed, Mad-Dog Skullcap, ...
What is Comfrey Herb Good For? History of Use - Herbal Encyclopedia
Active ingredients in comfrey herb are allantoin (fosters growth of new cells), rosemarinic acid (anti-inflammatory), and mucilage (soothes inflammed tissues)
Lavender history, aromatherapy and medicinal uses Herbal Encyclopedia
Lavender is a perennial shrub, growing to about three feet, with spikes of violet-blue flowers. One of the most popular medicinal herbs since ancient times.
Horehound - Herbal Encyclopedia
Botanical and Common Names Family Labiatae Marrubium vulgare (Horehound/Hoarhound, White Horehound, Common Horehound, Houndsbane, Marrubium; Spanish: Marrubio, Manrubio, Mastranso) Ballota Nigra (Blac...
Medicinal Values of Rose - Herbal Encyclopedia
Botanical and Common Names Family Rosaceae Rosa species R. canina (Wild Rose, Dog Rose, Rose Hip, Brier Hip, Hip, Brier Rose, Eglantine Gall, Hogseed, Dog-berry, Sweet Brier, Witches’ Brier, Hep Tree,...
Agave - Herbal Encyclopedia
Native to the deserts of Central America, agave is a succulent perennial with large rosettes of thirty to sixty fleshy, sharply-toothed leaves that reach a height of six feet.