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About Middlebury-CMRS — Centre for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Oxford
CMRS is the oldest existing study abroad programme associated with an Oxford college. The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies was founded as an educational charity in 1975 by Dr John and Sandy...
How Do I Apply? — Centre for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Oxford
To apply to study at Middlebury-CMRS please visit the Middlebury Schools Abroad website. Academic decisions on applications are made by the Academic Committee at Middlebury-CMRS, which consists of the...
Libraries — Centre for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Oxford
Libraries Oxford has one of the world's largest and most varied collections of manuscripts and printed books. The main libraries to which Middlebury-CMRS students enjoy access:
Find CMRS — Centre for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Oxford
Further contact details are also available in the Contact Us section.
Contact CMRS — Centre for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Oxford
Still have questions? Please direct all other enquiries to: Middlebury-CMRS
Alumni — Centre for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Oxford
Alumni Since 1975 over 4,000 students have studied at St Michael's Hall, at CMRS and latterly at Middlebury-CMRS. They have gone on to careers in a variety of fields, including academ...