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Overview | CMSTEP
Overview: $450 Both Courses: $700 Online Overview has existed at CMStep for the last 5 years and is only required for adult learners who do not already have an EL credential. It is an entirely self-p...
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Downloads | CMSTEP
CMStep Application and Personal Statement[1] CMStep Student Handbook[2] – PDF CMStep Administrator & Practicum Site Agreement[3] – PDF CMStep Adult Learner Agreement[4] – PDF Sample Montessori Middl...
Intro to Secondary | CMSTEP
The next session of Introduction to Secondary Montessori begins January 28th, 2024. Course will run asynchronously for 6 weeks with weekly due dates. Participants should plan to spend approximately 5...
Community Work | CMSTEP
Community Work CMStep supports the community of Montessori Secondary teachers by making it possible to share and review curriculum. After the Curriculum Development phase of training, members are invi...
ApplyNow | CMSTEP
Apply Now The application process typically takes 5 business days or more to complete. It consists of an online application form and the submission of an official transcript, 2 letters of recommendati...