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How it Works | Coflex®
For decades, the surgical options for patients with lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) were limited to either decompression or decompression with spinal fusion. In 2012, the FDA approved the Coflex® Interla...
Why Coflex®? | Coflex®
The Coflex® Interlaminar Stabilization® Technology is an interlaminar functionally dynamic implant designed to impart a stabilization effect at the operative level(s) after a decompression surgery whi...
Clinical Research & Data | Coflex®
The Coflex® Interlaminar Stabilization® device is the only lumbar spinal device with Level 1 evidence in two separate clinical studies. The Coflex® device has been implanted in more than 175,000 patie...
What to Expect | Coflex®
What to Expect for Your Procedure Setting expectations for your surgery ahead of time will give you peace of mind when the day of the procedure arrives. Be sure to give yourself and/or caregiver tim...
Clinical Research & Data | Coflex®
The Coflex® device is the FIRST AND ONLY posterior lumbar motion preservation solution with Level I evidence (the highest possible level of clinical data) from two prospective randomized studies again...
Why Coflex®? | Coflex®
If non-surgical treatment options aren’t successful, it may be time to consider surgery. Decompression with the Coflex® Interlaminar Stabilization® device is an alternative to fusion, that reduces pai...