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Audio | Colby Mindfulness
Below are some audio materials on mindfulness and meditation. Check them out! offers several free timed meditations (start and stop signaled by bells) as streamable audio, with lengt...
PDFs | Colby Mindfulness
Below are some PDF links regarding mindfulness and meditation. They cover topics ranging from a summary of Jon Kabat-Zinn's book Wherever You Go, There You Are, to the five basic steps to any mindfuln...
Websites | Colby Mindfulness
Below are websites related to mindfulness and meditation. They range from simple meditation tutorials to the methods and techniques of Vipassana meditation. Check them out! Websites How To Meditate --...
Courses | Colby Mindfulness
Interested in what mindfulness-related offerings are available in the academic sphere at Colby? Or just some of the other closely associated subject areas? Check out the courses listed below. See the ...
Articles | Colby Mindfulness
Below are various articles and other online texts on mindfulness and meditation. The materials cover a broad range of subjects related to contemplative practices, including the best meditation iPhone ...
Reading | Colby Mindfulness
Below are some of the best books on mindfulness, meditation, and other contemplative practices. Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life by Jon Kabat-Zinn Buddhism Plain...