Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Mostly technical blog of Gynvael Coldwind, a security researcher and progammer.
Hello World under the microscope - gynvael.coldwind//vx.log
Hello World under the microscope python:windows (This article, written by Adam Sawicki, Mateusz Jurczyk and Gynvael Coldwind, was originally published in Polish in the Programista magazine in February...
Crowbleed (Crow HTTP framework vulnerability) - gynvael.coldwind//vx.log
Crowbleed (Crow HTTP framework vulnerability) (Collaborative post by Gynvael Coldwind and hebi) Crow is an asynchronous C++ HTTP/WebSocket framework for creating "flask-like" web services. While analy...
SyScan 2013, Bochspwn paper and slides - gynvael.coldwind//vx.log
SyScan 2013, Bochspwn paper and slides A few days ago we (j00ru and I) gave a talk during the SyScan'13 conference in the fine city of Singapore, and as promised (though with a slight delay), today w...
FAQ: How to find vulnerabilities? - gynvael.coldwind//vx.log
FAQ: How to find vulnerabilities? faq Obligatory FAQ note: Sometimes I get asked questions, e.g. on IRC, via e-mail or during my livestreams. And sometimes I get asked the same question repeatedly. To...