Home – CollegiateParent
My oldest daughter is about to graduate from college. I’m excited, looking forward to the ceremony, the pomp and circumstance, the speakers who will tell her and her classmates how smart and accomplis...
CollegiateParent is passionate about education and helping parents and their students thrive during the college years. In everything we do, we aim to support the parent/student relationship and also t...
College is your journey, too. It’s a new and sometimes challenging chapter in your life as a parent, so remember, you’re not alone. We have support and inspiration as you adjust to your new role, cope...
Raising kids often means getting them ready for what's to come. From the first day of school to their first sleepover, practicing new routines and discussing unfamiliar scenarios before a life transit...
The best advice for first-time college parents often comes from our own friends who’ve traveled this road a year or two ahead of us. Here is a collage of tips and reflections to help you navigate the...
High School
The high school years are a busy, exciting time of exploration and self-discovery. Is your teen college-bound? We’ll help you navigate the college search and application process and stay u...