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Show Registration | Colorado Stock Horse Assn
Pre-Registration Pre-registration is open two weeks before the date of each show and will close on Saturday at 5:00 pm prior to the show date. Payment will be accepted on the day of the show at the Sh...
Rules | Colorado Stock Horse Assn
2. Judge’s decisions are final. 3. Open to all breeds, ages and disciplines. Professionals are welcome to enter in Open classes only. AQHA Rule SHW225. AMATEUR ELIGIBILITY 4. Rules & Rule Books: Sho...
Events | Colorado Stock Horse Assn
Events at this time. IF we are forced to cancel, you will be notified by 2:00 PM Saturday the day before here on this website, by an Eblast in your email, and with a banner at the entrance to the ar...
Become a Sponsor | Colorado Stock Horse Assn
CORPORATE ($400): As a corporate sponsor, you'll receive a full-page advertisement in our program, as well as announcements and recognition throughout the show season. PROGRAM ($200): Program spo...
Membership Application | Colorado Stock Horse Assn
Membership Application Request a Membership by filling out this form. Once you have paid for it at the Show Office, you will become a Member. Individual Name:
- Point Divisions | Colorado Stock Horse Assn