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Community Options, Inc.
Home is a special entry port for the i world, the place where we can connect face to face with friends and family and through technology with businesses and organizations around the world. Community O...
About Us | Community Options, Inc.
Community Options’ programs incorporate the Gentle Teaching philosophy, a way of educating and supporting individuals that promotes trusting relationships. By helping individuals feel unco...
Our Offices | Community Options, Inc.
Fact Sheet Founded in 1989, Community Options is a national nonprofit with over 50 offices in 12 states. Our mission is to develop housing and employment for persons with developmental and...
Community Careers | Community Options, Inc.
Apply today and start your career supporting people with disabilities. Interested in roles at Community Options? Visit our Ultipro job board to see our other opportunities. What is a Direct Support Pr...
Annual Report | Community Options, Inc.
Dear Friends of Community Options, Our nonprofit has consistently remained the provider of choice for persons with disabilities. Throughout challenges and victories Community Options has improved the ...
Mission | Community Options, Inc.
Community Options’ mission is to develop housing and employment supports for persons with disabilities. Community Options believes in the dignity of every person, and in the freedom of all people to e...