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Complaints Department | Make a Complaint
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Make a Complaint | Complaints Department
To make a complaint here at The Complaints Department it’s quite simple. Either you can use the search facility on our site to find a company to complain about or, if that company isn’t listed on our ...
About Us | Complaints Department
The Complaints Department ( has been set up to give you, the Great British Consumer, a place to air your grievance against faulty products, shoddy service and general mistreat...
Contact Us | Complaints Department
If you would like to contact The Complaints Department about anything, please do so using this form. You can even send us a complaint about a company if you like and we'll publish it for you.
Morrisons Complaints | Complaints Department
The wife & me came to do our weekly shop at your Ipswich branch this morning . We decided to get some petrol on the way in only to find your petrol has become one of tyhe most expensive locally . Then...
Admiral Insurance Complaints | Complaints Department
Where to start. My car rear windscreen got broken, Admiral came to collect my car to take it for repair. I get a call 2 weeks later saying its and “uneconomical repair” and could I send in the V5. I s...