Company | Comsearch
Happy 45th Anniversary, Comsearch! Founded on January 21, 1977, Comsearch was established to address frequency coordination of the early developing microwave network companies. Today, Comsearch is cel...
Careers | Comsearch
Looking for a career in leading edge wireless communication with an established company? A leader in wireless engineering services worldwide, Comsearch is renowned for its expertise in microwave, sate...
Online Tools | Comsearch
Interactive services and engineering tools to manage your spectrum and regulatory requirements. Online Tools: Millimeter Wave 70-90 GHz Registration, WMTS Frequency Coordination, 600 MHz TVclear, ULS ...
News & Resources | Comsearch
Read the latest news and up-to-date resources involving Comsearch's role in the wireless industry. For over four decades we've been known as the industry leader for reliable and accurate management of...
Millimeter Wave 70-90 GHz Registration | Comsearch
Register your links and begin operating in minutes! Quickly identify available spectrum and instantly register your microwave links.
Site Services | Comsearch
Where Theory Meets Reality—Determining the Real Environment. Site Services: Radio Frequency Test & Measurement, Spectrum Monitoring, and RF Safety.