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our challenge According to the latest World Drug Report in 2020, 284 million people between the ages of 15 and 64 were estimated to use/misuse substances, with 13.6 percent of them developing a substa...
Evidence 2023
We believe that only together will evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) become a reality in Africa. Over the last decade, the Africa Evidence Network (AEN) has grown into a broad community of over...
SEED South Africa Online Platform
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Golden Key Southern Africa 2021 Virtual Summit
virtual goes viral! A warm welcome to our 2021 Golden Key South Africa’s summit, Virtual Goes Viral. Circumstances compel us to present this year’s summit as a virtual event. We believe the themes and...
Registration information
Thank you for your interest in the 18th Southern African Internal Audit Conference. The conference fee includes access to all sessions (including refreshments and lunch); the exhibition, the Networkin...
Event Architecture on Air
Thank you for joining Event Architecture™ On AIR! The content is available on demand and you are able to access it with the same login details and password as provided for the live event. We have sent...