Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Home - ConnectED | ConnectED | The National Center for College & Career
When students love what they’re learning, they work harder, dream bigger, and learn more. Join us in making real, relevant learning a part of every student's experience.
How ConnectED works - ConnectED | ConnectED | The National Center for College & Career
ConnectED partners with schools, districts, and communities to transform education and help students succeed in college, career, and civic life.
Overview - ConnectED | ConnectED | The National Center for College & Career
ConnectED shares a vision with our partners of long-term, systemic change. We rely on local context and knowledge to bring Linked Learning to life.
Overview - ConnectED | ConnectED | The National Center for College & Career
ConnectED has created a comprehensive set of frameworks, guides, and other helpful resources to support high quality pathway implementation. While the resources are organized according to the differen...
Exploring College, Career, and Community Options (ECCCO) - ConnectED | ConnectED | The National
Exploring College, Career, and Community Options (ECCCO) Exploring College, Career, and Community Options (ECCCO) Exploring College, Career, and Community Options (ECCCO) ECCCO is a 9th–12th grade cur...
Impact - ConnectED | ConnectED | The National Center for College & Career
With a linked learning approach, ConnectED has seen incredible shifts happen in classrooms, districts, and communities across the country.