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CTD | Connecting in Times of Duress
Welcome to the website of the research programme 'Connecting in Times of Duress: Understanding communication and conflict in Middle Africa's mobile margins' (CTD). Bienvenue sur le site web du projet ...
About CTD | CTD
‘Connecting in Times of Duress: Understanding communication and conflict in Middle Africa’s mobile margins’ (2012-2017) is an NWO-funded research project at the University of Leiden, aimed at understa...
Connecting in Times of Duress (CTD) | CTD
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Paper – Connecting in Mobile Communities: an African Case Study | CTD
Media Culture Society, vol. 36 no. 3, (2014) pp. 319-335. African geographical mobilities should be understood in terms of their increasingly global development over the last two decades, and as an i...
Panel 6. Nomadic Minds | CTD
How flexible can a researcher be, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of being flexible? And where does the academic grounding of research become fluid because of its flexibility? What does ...
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