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University of Washington College of Engineering
ENGR 100, a five-credit course, introduces freshmen and pre-engineering majors to engineering design. There is no prerequisite except creativity. ...
Advanced Fluid Mechanics (ME 431A/538A/538B)
Textbook For those wanting a paper copy of a text, either of the following are recommended:    Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics by Munson et al. (any recent edition) Recommended (but de...
PHARM 587 General Course Info
Feedback The answers to each quiz will be provided to you either via an email or as a link posted on this website. If you keep some kind of record of your answers...
UW Imaging Physics Course
January 11, 2024 and will end in November/December 2024 depending on modifications/cancellations that happen often during the year. The physics class will be held each week at UWMC-Montlake...
Med Chem 528 - Biophysical Enzymology and Biopharmaceuticals
Med Chem 528 Room: Course Description This course consists of approximately seventeen 60-90 minute lectures and three 1.5 hour classes for student presentations. The first part of t...