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Looking for Certificates of Analysis (COAs)? Please email us or start a web chat that includes the part number and lot number of the product. If you are seeking other documents that you do not see he...
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Tommy, over the past 12 years, has developed strong scientific and general management experience. His career began as an analytical chemist for the highly-respected Sports Medicine Research and Test...
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Shop | CPI International
ICP/ICP-MS Lab Supplies CPI International offers a wide-ranging selection of ICP/ICP-MS supplies to meet your varying instrument and analysis needs. All of our products for inductively coupled plasma ...
ICP/MS Calibration Standard | CPI International
Item number: 4400-ICP-MSCS
Custom Inorganic Standards | CPI International
Custom Inorganic Standards Reduce workload and increase efficiency in laboratories with CPI International’s Custom Inorganic Standards! Our CRMs are prepared from high-grade starting materials, sub-bo...