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Craig Edward Given
This site showcases the creative endeavors of Craig Edward Given including his artwork, his writing, and his love of technology.
Site / Contact — Craig Edward Given
About this site and how to contact Craig
Websites — Craig Edward Given
Website Designs Back in the days of hand-coding I donated my services to non-profits by designing and building their websites. 2002-2017 My previous website incarnation built on hand-co...
Board Game Crafting: Papercraft Tips & Techniques — Craig Edward Given
Lessons learned and techniques used to craft board game projects, with examples and photos taken from a project to upgrade Dixit to allow 12 players.
Instructional Articles — Craig Edward Given
Get Normal A basic overview of database normalization. This tutorial walks you through the process of organizing your data in the Third Normal Form to achieve power and flexibility. Don't Double-Cli...
Blog — Craig Edward Given
How I crafted a hanging yard sign using craft store supplies and colored pencils. I couldn’t find a suitable Easter plaque to celebrate Resurrection Sunday, so I made a garden decoration proclaiming “...