Computer Science Circles | 01000011 01010011 01000011
0: Hello!
This website teaches computer programming. This skill is very useful: with programming you can automate computer tasks, make art and music, interpret and analyze survey results, build tools ...
Resources | Computer Science Circles
web-based design and programming: the CEMC has Web Basics and Web Programming courses
different language, in-browser, focuses on interactivity and graphics: JavaScript at Khan Academy
hard computation...
Online Python Tutor - Visualize program execution
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For more information about this tool (includ...
10: def | Computer Science Circles
abs example shows, the body may contain several
return statements; but only the first one executed has an effect since the function stops executing afterwards.
Example: Defining and Calling a Functio...
Cheatsheet | Computer Science Circles
This is the subset of Python syntax we use in our lessons (re-ordered). Here is a printable .pdf version.
3 * 4, 3 + 4, 3 - 4, 3 / 4 #==> 12, 7, -1, 0.75
3 ** 4, 3 // 4, 3 % ...
7C: Loops | Computer Science Circles
while statement repeats a section of code over and over again as long as some condition is true. Here is an example:
Here is the general structure:
The first line is
True or
if statements).