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How the Cupolex Dome System Works | Cupolex Oceania
CUPOLEX® is a patented forming system for concrete slab foundations made from 100% recycled plastic. Concrete is poured over the modular dome forms to create a floating or structural concrete slab.
What Is Cupolex
CUPOLEX® are the world’s leading smart void formers made from 100% recycled plastic. The cost efficient, mess-free and sustainable alternative to the waffle pod.
About Cupolex
Cupolex is the world’s leading smart void former made from 100% recycled plastic. Made in Australia with local distribution, Cupolex is suitable for residential, commercial or industrial applications.
Product Range | Cupolex
BETON STOPS® and STOP ENDS® are manufactured in Australia Other sizes can be imported on a project by project basis. Please contact us with your enquiry if you need a different size. BETON STOP® is d...
CUPOLEX® for Residential application | Cupolex
CUPOLEX® for Residential application Cupolex Building System is the leader in Dome Forming Concrete Floor Technology, the most cost effective, advanced and sustainable solution for residential buildin...
Benefits of the Cupolex Dome System | Cupolex
Apart from the intrinsic structural benefits of using a dome structural system the other benefits associated with Cupolex can be broken down to Safety, Sustainability and Economical.