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Parts & Tools — Curious Scientist
Tools, devices, other equipment you can see in my videos
Projects — Curious Scientist
Here you can find the different YouTube playlists for my different projects. Certain projects have their own dedicated playlists and some projects are just placed in some general playlist. I hope that...
AS5600 Magnetic encoder - A practical example — Curious Scientist
In this video, I continue discovering the AS5600 magnetic position encoder and its applicability in different scenarios. I rotated a stepper motor by providing pulses with a CNC handwheel and measured...
Fast serial communication with Arduino — Curious Scientist
In this video I explain how to send data from your Arduino (or STM32) to you computer via the serial port at higher speeds. There are two ways of sending data: one is to send data by using the Serial....
Ultra-precise milliOhm meter - Part 2/2 — Curious Scientist
In this video I demonstrate the capabilities of the device I assembled and then I show you the code. I haven’t done the current and voltage adjustment yet, because I need some precise resistors for th...
AS5600 magnetic position encoder — Curious Scientist
In this video I show you how to use the AS5600 magnetic position encoder. This is a very powerful chip for projects where you need a precise information about the position of a shaft. Therefore, it is...