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Home Tags Customize the tags according to your taste and preference. Make sure your favorite tags are always loaded first on the homepage! Clicking a tag will bring you to the summa...
Bachelor College 2.0 ends compulsory basic courses
In the 'fine design' of the reform plans for the Bachelor College the decision whether basic courses will be part of a department's core program lies with the department itself. An important role is g...
“Our bachelor’s education will always be evolving”
About six months before TU/e is to launch the Bachelor College 2.0, in September, Dean Ines Lopez Arteaga updated Cursor on the state of affairs. The deadline for the program directors to submit their...
The ten best spots on campus
As a first-year student, just knowing how to find the TU/e campus may be enough to keep you smiling, but trust us, soon you'll know this sprawling site like the back of your hand. In the meantime, her...
ASML to build new cleanroom on TU/e campus
ASML intends to build a new cleanroom on TU/e’s campus. This will allow the university and ASML to strengthen their cooperation. TU/e’s current cleanroom is in urgent need of replacement, partly becau...