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Cyla Costa - About
Cyla Costa is a Graphic Designer and Lettering Artist working in projects in which letters plays a fundamental role, specially book and album covers, posters, advertising, murals, branding and editori...
Cyla Costa - Juma Typeface
Juma Typeface Juma is a super display color font made to be used HUGE. Created by Brazilian lettering artist extraordinaire Cyla Costa and transformed into a typeface by the amazing Naipe Foundry, Jum...
Cyla Costa - Book Club for Extraordinary Readers
Book Club for Extraordinary Readers These books are part of an amazing project called Domínio ao Público (To Public Domain), which aims to translate classics from children's literature and release the...
Cyla Costa - Coletividade
Coletividade I had the pleasure of being part of this amazing project in my hometown Curitiba: 5 muralists painted 10 murals in public schools with the help of the kids, as part of a bigger project de...
Cyla Costa - Murals
Murals Cyla Costa is a Graphic Designer and Lettering Artist who also loves to use her whole body as an axis to paint huge letters on big walls.
Cyla Costa - Mensageira da Sorte
V&R Publishing invited me to do the cover for this book. Fernanda Nia is an awarded Brazilian author for young children's books and this was her first, yet very successful adventure into the world of ...