A Time for Play | Cyningstan
A Time for Play
Here at Cyningstan we want to spread our enthusiasm for the traditional board games that have entertained people not just for centuries, but for millennia. These are games that you can...
Cyningstan Games Gallery | Cyningstan
I like several of the game you show on your website. However many of them are not for sale right now in the shop. Can you inform me how and when I can buy them? I live in the Netherlands so t...
Play the Games | Cyningstan
The Traditional Board Game Series is a collection of sixty leaflets, covering over eighty traditional board games from around the world. These games cover five millennia, ranging in date from 3000 B.C...
Games of Asia | Cyningstan
Asia is probably the most diverse source of board games, as befits the largest and most populous of the continents. India, China and Korea were major contributors to the world's board games, and a num...
Alphabetical Archive and Index | Cyningstan
This page contains full, alphabetically-ordered lists of the site's content. It is split into sections for pages, articles, news and blog posts, images and web links. Over time I expect this page to b...
Games of All Kinds | Cyningstan
Traditional board games are often classified by the human activities they try to portray. Three activities that are often depicted are the race, the battle, and the hunt.
The most well-known race game...