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daily bread journal: Leftover Curry
What was it that I made that used coconut milk? Did I post it here, or eat it before I had the chance to photograph it? My memory isn't wh...
daily bread journal: Chimayo Chili Cheese Bread
My mom loved to cook. Her sister loved to bake. Fortunately for us, her sister lived about 5 minutes away. I remember answering the door ...
daily bread journal: Of Beans and Gardening
I love beans. I love them in soups, stews, tacos, burritos, with rice and with veggies. They are probably one of the most perfect foods aro...
daily bread journal: Sunflower Seed Rye
For our last meeting of the San Diego Bread Lovers, the theme was rye bread. Now for me, rye bread means New York Jewish deli rye. Not onl...
daily bread journal: The Healing Power of Potato Soup
Back when I was a girl, if I ever felt sick my mom would make me tea and toast. I loved the toast. But the tea didn't cut it for me. I ha...
daily bread journal: Presto Pesto!... and a giveaway...
June Gloom mornings followed by summery afternoons. My garden is happy! I spent my weekend picking the dead leaves and flowers off the ger...