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Daniel Patrick Welch - writer, singer, translator, activist - the 'singing poet"
Salem, Massachusetts anti-war activist who runs the independent, alternative Greenhouse School
Daniel Patrick Welch - Artigos mais recentes - Portuguese versions
Roman is an American English Teacher, Translator & Interpreter, and Writer - living in Brazil. To comment on the translation or to contact for work, please send e...
Daniel Patrick Welch - About Danny: writer, singer, translator, activist - the 'singing poet"
Welcome! Daniel Patrick Welch (Donal Pádraig Breatnach) is a writer of political commentary and analysis. Also a singer and songwriter, he lives and writes in Salem, MA with his wife, Julia Nambalirw...
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(7/03) Depois de todos estes anos, ainda é surpreendente como os Americanos podem se desligar tanto de eventos mundiais nos quais temos um papel tão importante. Eu uso livremente o termo "eventos mun...
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