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Daniel Samama - Daniel Samama
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PRINT SHOP - Daniel Samama
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Generative Music - Daniel Samama
Generative music on Zoia This is a generative music patch I made on Zoia, a modular synthesizer disguised as a guitar pedal. I only set the boundaries for the sound to happen; the music itself is gene...
TERRA - Daniel Samama
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dnlsnds - Daniel Samama
dnl .snds I spend a good amount of my free time tinkering with sounds. I have a bit of an obsession with (electronic) ambient and textural music and sounds on the brink of falling apart. I collect all...
Ode to Rain - Daniel Samama
We fitted the natural parc of Spa, Belgium,with water sensitive sensors, connected to a database of sounds specially composed to be played by the rain. The Rain Project is a project by Tim&Daan with J...